I've been needing to tackle storage and clutter in my cramped condo, after 4 years of the last huge purge when moving from Winnipeg. I starting by retrieving a very full filing cabinet out of my studio closet, but having to get rid of 2 dining chairs to get it into my bedroom. After that, shredded 5 garbage bags of my opera and teaching documents and thinning old iconography folders. But in the interim of this level of rearranging and purging, there is always the phase of having everything in piles. So my studio will be out of commission for a few more days...in the sweltering heat in here! :-)
That was fast! And such a relief that my laptop qualified for the special Apple extended program which replaced my logic board. And all taken care of in a day! Grateful!
I've been having trouble with my computer and am having to bring it in for diagnostics tomorrow afternoon. Not sure if I'll lose the computer for a few days or not.
In the meantime, I've had to take a few days to update all my artist submission documents to begin the quest of finding artist calls from the galleries. Got one prepared and mailed out today. Would prefer to be painting but an artist can't lose sight of looking to the future and taking care of the business side of the art. Fingers crossed. Up and around again today. Not 100% today but got the studio organized and sorted through my paints and requirements for this totem. Also got to Opus to pick up a few colours. Big sale there this weekend! I know that I'm going to end up back there to pick up a 30"x40" and toying with the idea of a 48"x48" exhibition canvas while the sale is on.
I knew it would take a few days to get back in the groove for my style with the totems; especially after being away from it for 3 1/2 months. Time just flew with the icon commissions. So I'm reacquainting myself with the sequencing of undertones, and getting my fingers on the canvas again. I've done the block colours that I can do. Everything else requires blending. Did get the blue corrected as it was too Turquoise Green. There will be loads of detail to work in this piece. But I approach this totem painting as all the others, open to the discoveries and challenges ahead. Two months before the Port Moody Arts Centre Exhibition. Under the weather today, but did manage to get the design inked in and started on blocking in some colour. I've got a few corrections to make and the blue is a bit electric but it is just a base.
The image is from the wolf totem in Sitka which I did a painting of earlier in February, but from a different angle and under different lighting conditions.
I apologize for the delay in getting back to the totem series. I too am concerned about so much time having gone by already but realities are such that paying icon commissions need attention to keep the home front afloat. I expect to be back to completing this totem painting in the next week and a half.
November 2020