With gratitude to everyone who have followed my blogs and my work throughout 2016. Wishing you a Happy and Blessed New Year.
I was thinking about the ongoing quest in getting the word out about the totem series and painting in general, and how I struggle with getting any momentum going with support and sales. It's a catch-22 which has plagued me. To me, the problem becomes apparent when you arrive to my website. It has a split focus between the iconography and my visual arts. And the two are distinct. I can see how that also confuses my supporters, as they too will likely have a split within their interest; either for the iconography or the acrylic paintings, or even both.
And within this catch-22, my studio time also becomes split, in the ongoing efforts for much needed income to support my son and I. With online sales remaining difficult to acquire, necessary to continue devoping the series, I have been fortunate in getting a few commissions in the iconography. Always in the nick of time in trying to pay the bills. But when I divert attention to my iconography side, it detracts from my other painting. My supporters in turn, come to see fewer postings of new paintings, and naturally lose interest. And without sufficient interest in the current paintings which are available, my time becomes taken by just surviving. And the iconography, even though my body of work extends over 30 years, for many, I remain an unknown, and the momentum has never taken off there either, even after very significant commissions. And on and on and on it goes. I've pondered much on the whys and wherefores, and take one day at a time.
And then you have some people jokingly say "Beautiful work, but could you move the decimal to the left a spot?" They may think it is funny but I'm not sure whether they understand how de-valuing their comment is. They are jokingly saying that all your hard work and hours put in a piece is only worth $190.00 instead of $1900.00 (for example). Is that what they really intended? I hope not.
For an artist, word of mouth is crucial. A witness who experienced your work is a great reassurance to family, friends, co-workers etc., in speaking about the work, and sharing ones experience with it. And in the meantime, I continue to try and find ways to make the artwork more accesable when viewed online, and ways to try and help people visualize the size of a piece etc. I welcome everyone to at least have a look at the pieces that are available, as well as the option of the very high quality canvas prints, including those for which the originals have sold. |
November 2020